It’s been a while since we posted, but here at Loch Electronics, we are proud to announce that we’re back for good!
We know you have been worried since we’ve been quiet, but we have been working tirelessly to improve and adjust our services and the one and only Capsule dishwasher to meet your needs.
Here are just a few things that we have been working on and renovating:
Expanding our team with great and creative team members: our new team members are here to help and assist you with any issues or queries you have with regard to your Capsule. In fact, our team is very supportive, helpful and user-centric; as a result, we are in this together.
Developed and improved our products and services from our users’ feedback: we are very grateful for the unwavering support from our Capsule community, who have provided us with invaluable feedback regarding Capsules that they use on a daily basis. Also, we have taken all of our users’ feedback into account and worked closely with engineers to make stronger improvements to Capsule by making it even more user-friendly and efficient. We carefully took into account the shipping feedback we received from users as well. As a result, we enhanced our packaging to ensure a more satisfying experience for our customers.
Better, faster and enhanced services: we are always open to feedback and we take them into account dearly. Hence, we are developing our services to be as strong and user-focused as possible and a crucial way we are doing this is to create a smoother shipping service and to inform our users of their shipment situation as soon as possible.
New strategies and enhanced social media channels: we have been quiet across our social channels for quite some time but we are taking steps to remedy that from now on. Fundamentally we’ll be posting more on our website and our social media channels to engage with you, our capsule community. So, don’t wait, subscribe to our social media channels and email list to get the latest on Loch Electronics, Capsule, offers and read our interesting and fun posts!
Transformation of the Loch Electronics website: Loch Electronics’ website is being developed to inform and help our existing community and future customers with the best service possible. Therefore, we are taking steps to transform our website with updated information, a new FAQ page where you can find solutions and descriptive information you need regarding shipping, Capsule related details and so much more. Make sure to check out our website to see our sweet deals regarding Capsule and other products!
- Better consistency and a stronger presence on crowdfunding campaigns: we know we have been a little silent with our crowdfunding updates, however, we can assure you that we were working from the backend to ensure that everything runs smoothly and quickly. On the other hand, we guarantee that we will be rather informative, consistent and present with our future updates.
That’s all from us for now here at Team Loch and we hope to interact with you in the future!
Make sure to check out our website in the next few days... something special is awaiting you - hint hint it’s related to spring!
Want to explore Capsule dishwasher? Find out more here